A few notable things about Chloe at 1 month:
- Chloe weighs 10lb 7 oz, a pound heavier than at birth!
- Pretty much out of her 0-3 month clothes, and wearing 3 months now
- The day she turned 1 month, she was notably more alert and had a wake period of 2+ hours, which had never happened before!
- Clear skin until now, but the hormones must be kicking in because she's been having breakouts over the last few days. Good thing I've been taking newborn photos all month ;)
- We've had a few smiles out of her, and one of the first caught on camera at Tatum's birthday party!
Photo Credit: Dianne Shumway
- She has a good latch and my milk is finally regulating. I am proud to say that breastfeeding is easier/more convenient than bottle feeding, which is a point I never ever reached with Tatum.
- She gets fussy somewhere between 7-9pm every night. So I feed her as much as possible, and then wrap her up, put her in her pack n play (in our room, which is working great) and turn on the noise machine. I'm not sure who loves that thing the most, me, Scott or Chloe! She wakes to eat around 10pm, sometimes 2-3am, and then at 5am. She generally sleeps most of the morning while I'm wearing her through the city for T's am activities.
- I've let her cry it out twice now, which really wasn't too painful since the first night was 10 minutes and the second night only 6 minutes! I am a firm believer that babies can learn to self soothe, and I'm re-reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child which I loved and worked (and still works!) great for Tatum.
- I tried the Moby wrap and although I do like it, my Ergo is just so tried and true! I have no back pain and its easy to get on and off alone. I can see why people love the moby, but at this point I'd just as soon wear the Ergo!
- Her big sister always asks if Chloe can come with us on our outings and is quick to tell me when Chloe needs my help! Yesterday she said "Wow mom, Baby Chloe Paige is going to eat you ALL up!
We all just think Chloe is the best thing ever! I did not expect to love having a baby around as much as I do!