1. She used to have dates with me in the mini-closet of the closet when we were kids. One person was in charge of bringing a game, the other in charge of sneaking a snack. I think we were equally good at the second job :) What fun times!
2. Heather always let me hang out with her and her high school friends. She is a very inclusive person and spends her time helping others feel involved.
3. Heather has inspired me to always have people over for Sunday dinner. Even when you don't have extra money laying around to feed friends (read: living on med school loans, or in my case, newlywed) you just do what it takes to have people over at least 1/week.
4. Heather is really good at talking sense into people. She is reasonable when I am unreasonable. And she is good at helping me see when and where I am wrong, and how I can tactfully apologize, even when I don't want to.
5. Heather is a creative GENIUS. I have never seen someone illustrate so effortlessly or come up with such innovative ways to teach kids how to read or have fun doing their jobs. Go Whitehead Wildcats!