Here is an excerpt from my blog post back then (beware: it's pretty hilarious):
Sometimes you just want to give ambitious, qualified, attractive 25 year olds a kick in the pants! But hey, I like friends, and he's a great guy. BUT... my girly self just couldn't resist making him a birthday banner. Thanks to Jessica Bean for getting me in the habit, and mom for the killer Christmas present (banner paper), I whipped this out yesterday afternoon and posted it with Megan before church this morning. I was pretty, okay, very nervous to do it, but I figure the sign merely says "Happy Birthday Scott." Can't be toooo forward, right? I give up on Scott about once a week, but his personality is just so dang addictive! He seems the type good at being "just friends." Any suggestions?
That was funny, right?
Then, just 1 year later to the day, he proposed.
From that post comes this excerpt:

(no pics from today yet, but this was from the other week in CA)
I feel so lucky to be married to my best friend.
Thanks Lovey. :)
Some Definitions:
A person that means everything to you and that you would do anything for.
"I am glad that I have a lovey that makes my life worth while."
Someone you care for deeply.
A partner who's a constant thing in your life.
A lover who you would give up your world for just to be with them.
The person you love and hold everymorning in their wake, and kiss their cheeks on a chilly morning, just to warm them up with your hot lips.
The love of your life whom you have given your love, your life, your hopes, your dreams, who have stucked with you through thick and thin, dismissed all your flaws and seen through your skin, accepted your errors, fought for your love, cherished you love, understood your emotions and known how to treat you, fill your days with romance and laughter, reciting small poetic phrases from the top of his head just to make you smile and cry, smileing at your mischief and missing you when you're not there, and not changing an inch when you're there.
"He is her lovey, don't you know? She's lucky to have him with her."
"He is her life, her soul, the very smile she wears in her mornings, her dreams she sleeps with all night, the blanket curved perfectly around her figure, her LOVEY, and she.. His life."
First comment was so special...I'm afraid no comment after will compare. Pues...we wish we could have been there at the party to celebrate Scott's well as your lives together...but I had a work event I needed to be at. Hope we can see you soon and hope your birthday was extra special! You guys are awesome and we so happy to have you as friends. We love everything about you two together!
I just spent a few minutes browsing your last few posts, Steph. I have such a big smile on my face! It's amazing how much things can change in a year. I see that you've started a photography business . . . good for you! Keep on enjoying this crazy adventure we call marriage . . . it only gets better. Love ya, Sandra
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