I was thinking about doing a new post for my dad today, but decided to make some addendums to something I posted a few years ago. It's hard to sum up all that is my dad, but hopefully this gives the idea:
I love my Dad. If you know me well, then you know that my relationship with him is, well, awesome :) My dad loves me SO much and I love him SO much back! Although it doesn't do justice, here is my best attempt to put into words the lessons and the life I've learned from him:

He was my very first date when I turned 16 :)
My dad is the one who slides down waterfalls with me in Samoa. My dad is the one who gives me perspective when I feel like the world is ending. My dad is the one who gets up early to read scriptures as a family. My Dad is the one who celebrates my victories! My dad is the one who works HARD to give me opportunities in life.

(Big credit to mom for being ready and willing with the camera the moment my BYU acceptance letter came!)
My dad is the one who verbally tells us kids that he loves us. He is the one who tucked me in and kissed me even though I was already asleep. My dad is the one who helps my friends feel comfortable and welcome. My dad is the one who does what he asks others to do. My dad is the one who takes me on outings like the tulip festival where we can enjoy nature together.
My dad is the one who encourages me to set written goals and be intentional about traditions. My dad is the one who taught me to manage money and recognize the difference between needs and wants. My dad is the one who showcases his flexibility and strength at tactful moments which make for an incredible family history :) My dad is the one who sacrifices his personal space when I am needy. My dad is the one who hangs up on multi-million dollar phone calls to help me with a math problem. (not sure I'm proud of that one...)
My dad is the one who does headstands with the grandkids. He'll even race them around the block. My dad is the one who writes me into his busy schedule; because he wants to. My dad is the one who is sensitive to others' needs and selflessly fulfills them. My dad is the one who emails me mid-week, just for fun. He cares for my spiritual, as well as my physical needs. My dad is the one who flips pancakes in the morning and pulls weeds before a bike ride. My dad is the one who spanked me to "help me remember" to make good choices.

My dad is the one who leads so dutifully and honorably. He is the one who listens and learns, and humbly invites those around him to rise up. My dad is also the one who wears his gold toe socks until the holes become so large his foot fits through them... My dad is the one who throws a baseball with me and helps me earn merit badges even though I'm a girl. He even wears silly noses with the fam.

My dad is the one who keeps his word. My dad is the one who uses the run and jump method to wake me up for seminary! My dad is the one who looks for opportunities to play doctor :)
My dad is the one who appreciates the arts and exposes me to quality entertainment. My dad is the one who doesn't kill me when I eat Saltine's and Ritz crackers on his side of the bed :) My dad is the one who seeks adventure and goes with the flow when mom and I plan a new crazy scheme. My dad is the one who is respected by Young Men and makes sure the youth know of his love for them. My dad is the one who finds the humor in slipping on a floor sprayed with WD40!

My dad is the one who danced with me on my wedding day. He was the strong one when I was having separation issues... My dad is the one who loves nature. He really loves it!

My dad is the one who has mastered the art of photobombing :) My dad is the one who knows how to make a compromise so everyone is happy! My Dad is the one who loves to sing with his brothers. My dad teaches me principles so that I am empowered to make my own decisions.

My dad was the photography assistant on my bridal photo shoot. Wow, what a memory :)

My dad is the one who shows that he values education by promoting school events and helping me with homework no matter the cost. My dad is the one who listens to my heart when my words don't convey how I feel. My dad is the one who loves my mom!!!
Stefanie, you are prone to exaggerate just a bit! It was Pledge on the floor that Dad did his circus act on; and if you took out the word "the" before every "is the one who", it would be more accurate. Because "the one" makes it look as though it is a singular case and not open to any others filling that need or role. Yes, I am alive and kicking! And yes, I love and help you very much too! :D
Okay, so have I told you one of your posts was the best ever? Because if I did, I might want to change my mind. Because this is like the greatest post in all of blog land. You and your Pops are lucky people to have each other!
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