Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Greed, Gratitude and Giving

I have this awesome friend named Marcie. She is a really talented writer. Her blog posts are consistently thought provoking, reality exposing, and they inspire me to change. I'm afraid to tell you too much about yesterday's post "Isn't That The Point" because she does such a great job writing it herself. Here is an excerpt from yesterdays post that got me excited about the upcoming holidays:

One of the reasons I love the holiday season is because it is a synopsis of the human process. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas come with the respective reminders of greed, gratitude, and giving. In three short months we learn valuable lessons in getting all you can, being happy with what you got, and gifting to those who don't got what you got.

You won't regret visiting her blog here so you too can have a few laughs, and feel motivated to start giving today, instead of waiting for Christmas Eve. Happy November!!!

1 comment:

Marcindra LaPriel said...

I'm flattered! And thanks to you, my blog stats are at an all time high. A whopping 83 views so far today!