Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting Going...

Check it out:
I just finished this dress which I found on LOVE that website!
This dress was for my cute niece Autumn in Ohio! I can't wait to see pictures of her in it!!!

This was much easier to make than the dress I made for our cruise last summer. That was a nightmare.

Lesson learned: Don't follow a pattern, follow your heart (While employing good technique, of course) :)
The velcro back is maybe my favorite feature.

Scott's favorite thing to do lately is give the baby girl zerberts to get her riled up, and then try to feel her kick. Not much luck just yet.

BTW, I got two cavities. Not one in 22 years, and now two! I blame it on a combination of pregnancy and Utah water. Oh, and the grooves in my teeth. Anyway, I got them filled yesterday. I was terrified, but it was actually quite an easy experience. I still love the dentist. And I definitely still love sewing!

Stay tuned for birthday party pictures!!!


Tara said...

I've rarely had cavities before, but last pregnancy AND this one I've had cavities. You aren't alone; it's pretty lame!

PS that dress is darling!!

Julie T said...

Beautiful white dress and pearly whites as well! I say never do a button hole if you can help it!

AmyH said...

Cute! Good thing it was easy because I have a feeling you'll be making another one for your own girl:)