Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015 New Years Glow Party

I saw this party idea on pinterest and then just bought what I could find at the dollar store and some hats, since for Tatum, hats= PARTY time!
We felt so lucky our friends Dane and Korine were in town and could come over for our little dinner party! And Dane's parents are good friends with SueAnn, so everybody there had a friend!  The Dellenbachs were the perfect guests!
Getting set up is almost as much fun as the party itself! To give you an idea, my budget was $20, so this is what I could get for 10 people for that price!

Wand Wars!
I just love this shot!  You can kind of see the black light in the back-- it used $4 of my budget and wasn't worth it.  Also, I made "glow in the dark jello" which uses tonic water and is supposed to make it glow in the dark, but also makes it taste bitter.  Mine tasted bitter, and didn't glow...
Bowling!  I was a little nervous having the kids throw balls right toward the wall of glass doors, but luckily it was all okay!  They had fun both knocking them over and setting them up!
Korine's chocolate cake took the cake!  After thinking about it for almost a month now, I think it was the best cake I've ever had.  It was really so so good.  And, she used gold dust atop the juicy, beautiful raspberries, so that didn't hurt either.
I mean, it was really reallllly delicious!  Here is the recipe from King Arthur Flour.
And, the Name Game, or Times Up, whichever you call it.  We only got through the first round before it was 9pm and time to celebrate the New Year!  What a relief to feel GREAT about going to bed early this year!  I always beat myself up about not liking staying up so late, but this year I had zero qualms.  It was really nice.

The place settings:
Bring it on 2015!