My father-in-law is a CHAMP!
We were able to go to UCLA last weekend when John got his stem cell transplant. This is a very intense procedure we've been anticipating for months. We feel so blessed that he was admitted to UCLA "Best in the west and 5th in the nation" where the physicians and nurses are very confident, intelligent, and hopeful for John.
The hospital staff says that the day of the transplant, the day he got his own, clean cells re-inserted, is the day of his NEW birthday. New cells, new life! It was a special day because that Friday also happened to be SueAnn's birthday too!
See John holding his cake? The staff was so good to him and to all of us. They sang happy birthday and brought us a cake that fits his diet.
Here is the case from the lab that carried his frozen cells. They harvested his cells about a week ago and have now reinsterted them into his (hopefully!) cancer-free body. The lab tech brought in the cells, took them out of dry ice and thawed them right in our room before pushing them through John's picc line. 
Isn't modern medicine amazing?
This is kind of what things looked like in the hospital room. John and SueAnn now have a laptop to use in the hospital so they can stay connected with the outside world!
John's dad, brother and sister came to visit at the hospital. It was fun to chat and eat lunch together!
I think the thing that hit me the most during our time with John in the hospital is the ongoing love and prayers from family and friends. Not only has there been an outpouring of love during this transplant process, but throughout the last few years since this all began. The day of his transplant, the phone was literally ringing nonstop with kind words and encouragement from people who love John and our family. Trials are easier to bear with family and friends surrounding us.
We are blessed to be a family and have the gospel that gives us strength through Jesus Christ and reminds us of the most important things in our lives.
Thanks for a very meaningful post. Love and prayer is a real force for good.
Wow, what a perfect post. I'm all teary-eyed now. We love you John and SueAnn!
Thank you for an informative post. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Uncle Merlin and A Anitra
So glad you got to go and share those birthdays together. Hope everything continues to go well with his recovery. :)
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