My dad came to town last week!
After hearing some reviews of the restaurant "Kathmandu" in Salt Lake, we decided this was the place for us! The menu was half Indian, half Nepalese, both very good! And the service was phenomenal. The Nepalese more mild and less creamy than Indian dishes... in case you were wondering!
The garlic naan was definitely a highlight.
I will always order Chicken Tikka Marsala as my safe dish, sooo delicious!
Great company, great food!
Thanks for coming dad, we had a killer time!
SO jealous! That is MY kind of restaurant. The garlic naan looks amazing. Favorite quote "and future reunions, of course!"
That place looks amazing! Wish I could try it. How are you sleeping these days? It gets harder as you get closer, which is totally unfair as you should be able to store up for when the baby comes.
Any new conclusions regarding reunions?
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