Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cottonwood Finale

A few weeks ago we went to celebrate the good times we've had at our family farm in Salt Lake: Cottonwood.

When Uncle Darwin passed away, Aunt Lenore decided to move away and the family has since sold the farm. Thankfully, the new owners let us have one last family BBQ on the land where we've grown up together and made countless memories.

Aunt Lenore and Grandma Tanner, very stylish!

Cottonwood is always a BYOM event, and we share salads, desserts and drinks. Then the kids play tug o war and the teenagers get a game of volleyball going.

Caught in the act

Small enough kids can go on the zip line from the top of the barn to a tree a long way off. I remember that zip line being such a thrill!

Bry and Scott found the chicken coop. That's pretty much all I have to say about that. We've spent many summer nights at Cottonwood and I will always fondly remember the fun times we have had there!

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