Sunday, June 9, 2013

Road Trip Day 1: Yosemite

After Peru, we were back at the Hathaway Home in Corona for just a few days before starting our 26 hour road trip to Sammamish, WA.  

We left southern California around 6am, an hour later than planned.  We expected to sleep just outside Yosemite.  It turns out Yosemite was quite a bit out of the way (point B) , but since we cut the park from our November trip last year, we decided this was the time!  Gotta put that National Parks Pass to use- especially since we were out of the country for several months!  We came in the south entrance, and once entering the park drove 1 hour to Little Yosemite Valley.  There is nothing "little" about this valley if you ask me...
We have never once regretted going out of our way to see a National Park.  
The little lady did a superb job in the car.  It must be so weird for her never knowing if she's in for a 5 minute ride to the store or a 5 hour ride to Yosemite...  as long as she has Lambie, all is well!

I love this.  I know these two will stay best buds forever!
And then we found a park by the river for lunch.  We shared a picnic table with a German family who was fun to get to know!
The water was FREEZING!  Like, Freezing.  T kept insisting on going in deeper, so we took her pants off and tried to stay out of the water ourselves.  She loved it so much that we eventually took off all her clothes and let her run wild!  She had a blast and shocked every on-looker with her ability to not only withstand, but love water of that temperature!
Those two reds...

We did a few short hikes, and watched the movie at the Visitor's Center- it was surprisingly well made, and I even got to charge up my phone during the show!
This blue jay was my perfect model.  Striking various poses and holding still :)
This is one of my fav photos of T.  Just hangin' at half dome.  I hope/plan to climb it together with her one day :)
After a few hours there, we left the park, looking for hotels on our way out at about 6:30pm.  When we didn't see any (and the few we did see were full or super expensive) we decided to bite the bullet and drive 4 hours to BeeGee's house in Santa Rosa.  We made it safely and were glad to have 2 nights and a full day there with her!

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