but I sold "Golda" this week!
This is one of those things where it is
all at the same time.

We already know I am kind of a nostalgic person,
but even I didn't know that nostalgia applied to cars.
I mean, really?
Golda has been in our family forever. I always felt it kind of a privilege to drive her.
Even on the hot hot hot days without AC.
Golda was my car and I thought of Heather, Bryan and Noelle every time I drove.
(Well, may not every time, but almost!)
I vividly remember going on a hunt for Golda on/near Heather's 16th birthday. The car was hidden down the street at a neighbors house. I remember being 8 years old and sitting in the backseat as Heather tried to get the stick shift up the steep hill to our house. We did a lot of backward rolling, what a time! Since then, all 4 kids have learned to drive a manual car, and we loved every minute. I think each of us left our mark on the car- whether from the trailer hitch in front of us on a rainy day (me) or backing into a garbage can on the street (sibling remains nameless).
Well friends, I have good news for you. The car went to a grateful guy. He is tall and skinny, and he has wild, orange hair. I tried to tell him the car meant a lot to me, and that he was lucky to get it. But I didn't want to freak him out, or get emotional, so I didn't. And that is why I am writing it here :)
Golda has been great to the Tanner family. Though we all have cars more comfortable than a '95 now, I think we will all remember our days with Golda fondly!
your first car always holds a very special place in your heart. Mine was a little tan bug. How I loved that little car.
Oh Golda. Even I have "fond" memories of that car. The fondest of which taking place on a cold, early morning temple trip...
Golda will be missed!! It was the seat covers I loved! XXOO
I was sure I posted on this one, my memory was the hot sweaty backs due to lack of AC on our way to bel square, that and the chinese firedrill coming out of Abbey Road...driving a stick was scary at 16!
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